Treasures from the Past

Because of my “rollercoaster” reality I have had to go back to my old notes. My fave authors do not favor going to the past but I believe I can be helped by reviewing what guided me in the past to move me forward.

Linda Georgian:

Since thought is the root of all your mental and physical blocks, repetition of your positive affirmations will somehow replace the negatives and attract good to you.

James Ebner:

Whatever we can say about God that will be real for us has to grow out of the person’s experience.

We can expect to experience the true God only when we get in touch with ourselves.

We may be so conditioned by our past, we may perceive through so many filters, that we may scarcely know what actually we ourselves really think and feel. so that when contemporary writers urge us to explore the religious side of our experience, we may not be reading our depths but mainly remembering words we were told and which we only take as ours. however, to be sensitive to this problem is already to be solving it.

Neale Walsch:

This shift from supplication to application can be miraculous. these are not affirmations. These are confirmations.

An affirmation seeks to produce an outcome or an experience.

A confirmation announces that the outcome has already been produced.

You would understand that these powers and abilities give you collaborative control over the exterior elements of your individual and collective life and complete control over the interior elements which means that you have the total ability to create your own reality because your reality has nothing to do with producing the exterior elements of your life and everything to do with how you respond to the elements that have been produced.

Alan Seale:

The ego longs for structures that set boundaries and make the rules for us.

Spirit will not choose for us. we have been given the gift of free choice. Spirit will wait for us to exercise the right.

Every one must find his or her own way.

Alan Seale has the best description of what my spiritual path is. It is such a contrast to what I was taught in RELIGION hence my difficulties.

If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Whatever you can develop FULLY within your imagination, you can also create in physical reality if you remain focused and are willing to take the necessary steps.