I m Living in an “era of disruptions and uncertainty”. (Peter Bodin Global CEO of Grant Thornton Int’l)
DISRUPTION AND UNCERTAINTY, two of my dreaded realities. I could have had another depression like in the 90s were it not for the lessons from Facebook posts especially of Dr Lipton, Mike Dooley, Gary Zukov, and life examples from friends like Tato Malay , of my nephew Andre and my niece Bingbing, associates of my husband like Munir and Dr Edralin.
“Insisting on details always limits you”. (Mike Dooley I get so upset when my plans for the day don’t materialize. I have specs even for my meals. I don’t care to relate with people who don’t let me be.
I congratulate myself for growing out of religious rituals. I almost can’t believe I did not relate March 19 to St Joseph.
“The messenger can only deliver the message those who are in a vibrational match to the message. So don’t stress yourself out saying things to people who can’t hear you.”( Dr Lipton)
Vibrational Match! I have realized my vibrations are far too unique. It is frustrating not to be heard.
I thank God my husband is patient. Often I know I appear to be sending conflicting messages. But I think I am consistent all the time. It’s just that I live according to the 7 principles of urban shamanism which is understood only by a few. I ive in a customized/sanitized world of my own.
I have no reason to complain; I have all that I need. The sources of my chllenges are related to the following:
!. “Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.”
2. “Never trust your fears they don’t know your strength.”
3. “Being challenged is inevitable in life; being defeated is optional.”
I can almost hear Sylvia Boorstein telling me to work for a CLEAR MIND and an OPEN HEART.