- ER
The ER Friwas awful but thedoctor was kind. Thank you, Lord.
- YouTube
My God! So much false news.When can true and real newsto be found these days?
- NOV 1
This year even our mainsource of food was closed.This feels like Holy Week. photo
- Halloween
Cats not dogs areassociated with Halloween.Check the Internet
I wonder why babieslike my wheelchairbut do not like me. How sad.
- Facebook
With two Facebook accountsI have a hard time goingwhere I want to go.
- Riddle
Disease is a riddle.Why do I have achesand pains but others don’t.
Recently my life wenthaywire because I forgotmy old passwords.
Eat all you can.at eighty-oneI am not a happy customer.
- Blessing
K1 Wellness Center has anhour foot massage for cramps.What a joy!