6th Principle

The 6th principle of Urban Shamanism states: All power comes from within.

Except for several pictures posted on Facebook by our daughter and things bought from The Guardian and 7 Eleven, I don’t have much to show for our March 5 -9 vacation in Singapore.

But in terms of SELF_KNOWLEDGE, I certainly have much to be grateful for. Now that I am back with my personal laptop, I have a lot of affirmation/confirmation from Dr Lipton, Mike Dooley, Neale Walsch etc.

Messages from Facebook friends also confirm I have gone a long way in my spiritual pathway.

I learned a lot from our son-in-law Tony and our daughter. I even learned street lingo from my husband and daughter. Of course I learned a lot of British expressions from Tony!
(complete with facial expressions). I realized how sanitized my environment in Grand Towers in Manila has become. (Tower living like Rapunzel???)

What started in our hotel in Singapore was enhanced by the visit of a nephew and a niece from Iloilo City. They made me realize how badly I need to expand my world, to include those with different mind sets. I hardly have tolerance for unpredictability. I can’t allow myself to be victimized by “micro aggression” to borrow a term of Emil’s doctoral student.

I simply have to tolerate (at the very least) ambiguity and gray areas in my life. I can no longer expect instant answers to all my questions much less to expect answers that fit my world view!

The paradigm of our daughter about unconscious incompetence etc made me understand that people and things in life are only triggers. I do have a choice to response rather than react and thereby heal my many fears. Thanks to Joe Vitale’s “No Limits”
I have gone beyond the blaming game.

“Culture Is a Business Strategy” in the Philippine Inquirer by Peter Bodin, Global CEO of Grant Thornton Int’l last March 12 also added to my self-knowledge. “In an era of disruption and uncertainty, corporate culture and not new technology will make or break companies and organizations.”

This is another wake-up call for me to move out of my sanitized/insular mind set. “Diverse and gender-balanced businesses deliver better results, are better able to handle disruption hat goes in every sector nd are resilient.”
RESILIENCY. For me this means learning what is common practice in the new technology. I should be able to do at the very least what grade school pupils easily do with their gadgets!

This also means I should have tolerance for ambiguity and unpredictability.